Well Rounded

I use to hear this term used quite often. My mother used it some to describe specific qualities in people we knew. A “well rounded” person is a person that has fundamental understanding of many aspects of life. For example, you should be informed about politics or how our government works. One should also have a basic understanding of economics and banking. The basic tenets of the Bible should be regularly studied and understood. My mother wanted my sister and I to be well rounded people, so I had to learn to cook, sew, clean, do laundry, and how to take care of simple medical emergencies. You simply didn’t run to the Doctor for every little ailment. My dad also taught us to work in the outdoors and do “man stuff”, although that term may not be politically correct these days. My sister and I were involved in cutting wood for heat, piling brush, planting a garden, taking care of animals, checking your cars oil level, and changing a tire. All things boys and girls ought to know. I used to joke with my mom and ask her if she thought I wouldn’t get a wife was the reason she taught me all these life skills. She just laughed a said “a well-rounded person made a better spouse” because they could share the workload that a family produces. And she was right! I married a well-rounded woman and we share the work and it makes life so much easier.

 I personally think the term “well rounded” goes a lot deeper than just the work aspect. It’s the foundation of a great work ethic for sure but besides the physical skills we were taught respect, compassion, empathy, and concern for others. I was taught a deep love for God and His ways. I often say “I’m not just another pretty face; I am well rounded.” A lot of folks you see in life are a bit lop sided or not round at all. Selfishness and a lack of concern has left them flat on one side or the other. I guess that could be a southern analogy or just my opinion. Either way, I’m glad I was taught to be well rounded.

A “well rounded” recipe for meatloaf

1 pound ground beef

1 cup -1 minute oats

1 -16oz.can tomato sauce.

1 egg

Salt and pepper to taste.

Mix all ingredients in large bowl until well blended ‘

I like to use a muffin pan as it is a perfect portion size and is easy to clean.

Place in preheated oven at 350 degrees and cook until the grease is clear and the tops are golden brown.

Hope you enjoy the word and the meatloaf!

From Preacher Sam.